Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Scrapbooking Hobby = Creative Family
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
HOORAY for scrapbooking!
That causes me to say "HOORAY" for scrapbooking! I love being a Close To My Heart consultant because it empowers me to do what I love (create!) and it opens my life to friendships with other artists as well!
I have been busy creating some "HOORAY" gifts, and want to share some with you:
Two co-workers had babies and what better gift than handmade baby announcements:
Sweet Baby Harper had some seriously cool announcements to introduce himself to the world. Not to be out done, Baby Joshua was next:
Celebrating the birth of a new baby is a guaranteed "HOORAY". Making a handmade gift and sharing it with all of you is cause for HOORAY too! (for more Hooray moments, visit my work blog at www.blog.REALiving.net ).
When you are done surfing the blogs, you can visit my Close To My Heart webpage and browse the catalog, get your holiday shopping done on-line and look at the artwork on my webage (http://hollyhakes.myctmh.com ). That will give you enough inspiration to exclaim HOORAY yourself!
Bloggin' a Bright Idea,
Saturday, July 17, 2010
A "Cake Boss" Birthday
In the Cake Boss show, much is made of the confusion that arises in the bakery. Cakes are "lost", orders are misplaced and ah, the drama! There is lots of hollering and stress! Uncle Joe said that there is lots of hollering and volume in Hoboken, period. But, there was plenty at the bakery when Joe arrived. Joe needed to pick up the cake at 6:45am in order to make it back to the airport to catch his flight home. Just like on television, the staff could not find the cake. Buddy will always say, "where's the friggin' cake!". Iris imagined him yelling just that as they looked for the "friggin Iris cake!". Only after the staff went upstairs to the bakery looking for it (to ask Buddy himself, no doubt!), was the cake found. After a mad dash via the subway, and a sprint to the plane, Joe came thru! The cake made it to Wisconsin!
For instructions on how to make your own mini-album, send me a message!
Bloggin' A Bright Idea,
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer = Scrapbooking At The Cabin
Iris made collections of cards. This is one using the stampset "Play Date". She made four cards from this set, using similar techniques (ink transferring as an example). She was hoping to sell them as a set (what an entrepreneur!).
And, here is one of my creations. I challenged myself to work thru my stamps, and make a card from each set. I'm not sure what my total count of cards was, but I did use some that I don't use often, including "Merry Monsters". He's cute, isn't he?
Bloggin' A Bright Idea,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
A Little Time.... A Lot of Gifts
I had some gifts that were long over due to finish. I carry a journal in my purse, and when I think of someone that "needs" a card or gift, I put them on the list. Often, my gifts are more than fashionably belated, but I never hear complaints!
I have a friend who bought a new house one year ago (now this IS belated gift). I didn't make it to her housewarming, but have wanted to make her a gift regardless. I think she will still appreciate this, and you will appreciate the bright idea!:
I hunt for scrapbook frames like this at good prices. I recently "scored" and found some for $5.00 (I bought all they had!). I did a 12x12 layout using Veranda (X7119). I used a variety of stamps and techniques including paper piecing (see the houses?). This allows a solid colored stamp to be multicolored. I stamped the house twice, in two colors and then cut pieces from one and put them on the other. Putzy, but cute!
This family name had 4 letters in it, so I did 2.75 x 2.75 squares and mounted them evenly on the page. I embellished from there!
Keep your eyes peeled for nice scrapbook frames, and make a piece of your artwork into a gift for a friend- or for the walls of your own home!
Happy Mother's Day to you, all of my customers and paper crafting friends! I hope you too, are enjoying your day!
Bloggin' A Bright Idea,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Would you believe it if I told you that I joined CTMH and had never scrapbooked or stamped prior to signing up? That is the truth! Before CTMH, my artistic drive went into drawing cartoon figures. I signed up for CTMH completely because I wanted to learn how to color in my drawings with the skill that stampers do. Well, four years later, and sadly- I've drawn very little, but wonderfully- I have scrapbooking and card making (and papercrafting) in my life.
I LOVE everything that CTMH has brought to my life. I have made many good friends (fellow consultants and customers alike!), have become much more creative, and artistically talented (if I don't say so myself) and have found a true hobby- just for me! Well, I do share this love with my daughters, but that's wonderful too- we share creative time together!
Since becoming a consultant, I think I have also become a better friend. I'm not one to go out much and socialize with friends outside of my work day. So, my connection with my friends is infrequent face to face, but I've done a much better job of telling them they are on my mind by sending them cards and handmade gifts. I always have a card list in a journal I keep in my purse. This helps me to remember, and then follow thru, on sending a good old fashioned note to someone, via U.S. Mail! What a treat!
The latest recepient of a handmade gift from me is a co-worker, Tasha, who is a proud mother for the second time to a daughter, Kenlee. I made announcements for Kenlee's big sister just a year or two back, and I got to make some for her now. I decided to do something different than big sister had- which was more traditional baby pink colors. I thought Kenlee, being the second sister, would like to have announcement that were classy and sophisticated. :) I wonder if she will like them! Here they are:
This card was made using the "Keyhole" layout from Wishes (9033)(template book from CTMH) and Veranda paper collection (X7119B) (with the addition of some Cocoa Cardstock). I used my cuttlebug to emboss the circle, and then cut the flower from one of the stamps in Endless Love (D1260) stamp. I cut out the middle of the flower too (I really enjoyed cutting that out 20 times!) so the embossing would show thru. Add some organdy ribbon for a final touch. I used our Posterboard Alphabet (E1014) for the "K", and then embelished it with Playful Flourishes (D1212) and Bitty Sparkles (LOVE THEM!) (Z1263). The ink color is Barn Red.
It gives me a lot of pride to share a handmade gift like this with my friends. I hope that it brings them as much joy as it brings me!
Look at what joy joining CTMH on a whim brought me in four short years! Pure Bliss! Email me if you have questions about joining yourself, want information on making the card above, or if I can help you in purchasing some CTMH products for your "hobby"!
Bloggin' A Bright Idea,
Monday, April 19, 2010
I Can't Stop Making Cards!
As a result, I have card mania!! I was excited to try out some new products, including new Stamps of the Month. Take a peek:
This stamp set is a customer favorite, "Cupcake Sprinkles" D1336. I like it because I very easily assembled a cute cupcake and message, with minimal embellishments (one red brad) and it is still cute as can be! I stamped the bottom on Indian corn blue card stock (in the same color ink) and then cut it out. That adds a tiny bit of dimension to the card. Also, the original stamp had 'hey there cupcake' all connected. Using masking, I was able to separate the words to work on my card. Ask me, I'll show you how!