That causes me to say "HOORAY" for scrapbooking! I love being a Close To My Heart consultant because it empowers me to do what I love (create!) and it opens my life to friendships with other artists as well!
I have been busy creating some "HOORAY" gifts, and want to share some with you:
Two co-workers had babies and what better gift than handmade baby announcements:
Sweet Baby Harper had some seriously cool announcements to introduce himself to the world. Not to be out done, Baby Joshua was next:
Celebrating the birth of a new baby is a guaranteed "HOORAY". Making a handmade gift and sharing it with all of you is cause for HOORAY too! (for more Hooray moments, visit my work blog at ).
When you are done surfing the blogs, you can visit my Close To My Heart webpage and browse the catalog, get your holiday shopping done on-line and look at the artwork on my webage ( ). That will give you enough inspiration to exclaim HOORAY yourself!
Bloggin' a Bright Idea,